Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Thesis Langston Hughes and the Blues - 1812 Words

Research Outline I . Introduction Thesis Langston Hughs viewed the music of the blues and poetry as kindred forces that propelled the downtrodden blacks of the 1920s and 1930s toward a better day. II. Paragraph Two develop metaphor between constancy of blues music and ocean waves in live of black people. Quote blues poems: Weary Blues, Po Boy Blues, Homesick Blues. Relationship between the listener (the poet) and the blues musician, each coming to the same place night after night III. Paragraph Three using Langstons essay Songs Called the Blues, discuss how the blues are city songs Discuss evidence that hardship that accompanied blacks during and after the Great Migration Hard times were a catalyst for the Harlem Renaissance, inspiring music, literature, poetry, and art common themes were waiting for better times (blues) IV. Paragraph Four Form of poetry reflects the tone, tempo, and repetition of blues music a. The poem itself is a third-person description with some interpolated first-person, eight- and twelve-bar blues lyrics V. Conclusion a. The forms, use of metaphor, and source of inspiration illustrate the influence of blues music and on Langston Hughes poetry Langston Hughs viewed the music of the blues and poetry as kindred forces that propelled the downtrodden blacks of the 1920s and 1930s toward a better day. It is the constancy of the blues as an expression of heartache of the black South, particularly the city South that formsShow MoreRelatedCritique of Julie Aberdeens Essay on the Writings of Langston Hughes during the Harlem Renaissance638 Words   |  3 Pageswritings of Langston Hughes during the Harlem Renaissance Aberdeens essay on Langston Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance had a clear theme that was supported throughout by many examples. While an actual thesis statement was lacking, or a title that would have provided similar direction, the content stayed close to the topics of striving for equality and cultural identity through the writings of Hughes. A good thesis statement for this essay might be: This essay will examine how Langston Hughes soughtRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance and Its Effect on African American Literature3258 Words   |  14 PagesRenaissance and its Effect on African American Literature Thesis: The literary movement during the Harlem Renaissance was a raging fire that brought about new life for the African American writer; its flame still burns today through the writings of contemporary African American writers. I. The Harlem Renaissance- Its Beginning and Development II. The Major Writers A. Claude McKay B. Jean Toomer C. Countee Cullen D. Langston Hughes E. Zora Neale Hurston III. Major Themes of Writing

Midnight in Sicily free essay sample

Though I was onto member, I attended APP tutoring for math, physics, chemistry, English- you name it. In the math room, I would find myself grasping concepts well and helping other classmates with Weber and homework assignments. The APP program has grown close to my heart and the connections and friendships I have formed because Of it will remain well past my undergraduate career. As an APP summer tutor and/or tutor counselor wish to gain experience with teaching since I am strongly considering a career in education.I have much to offer if hired for this position. Am a highly motivated student with strong time management skills. Eave never missed a class and/or an assignment in any class at Union. I look forward to helping the incoming APP students with academics as well as time management skills and acclimation to the college atmosphere. Adapting to the college lifestyle can be challenging, as I have determined from personal experience, and I would enjoy helping students navigate this excitingly demanding time. We will write a custom essay sample on Midnight in Sicily or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Being a Union College gatekeeper has also enhanced my public speaking skills. As a very personable and outgoing person, I am largely a team player and enjoy working with others. I believe that working with others is the most effective way to learn. Alee the one-on-one collaborations as well as group efforts to solve a problem. Tutoring offers a unique opportunity to work closely with students to help them understand the material, something that have excelled at doing with classmates in current courses.As a result of taking academics very seriously, I have excelled in both of my fields of study. However, this is not to say have not struggled at times with the material. Both mathematics and chemistry are challenging, especially for those who are more interested in non-math or science majors. I realize that there will be times where students will struggle with material and I am well quipped to handle such situations. Because have struggled with the material myself am better prepared to guide students through similar challenges.In addition to being a personable, hard-working student, I would also describe myself as a motivating person, encouraging others to strive toward their goals. The position Of an APP summer tutor is primarily to aid students academically, yet, also holds a mentoring component. I value the role of a mentor very strongly, as have had several in my academic career and personal life. Aspire to accommodate students with whatever needs they ay possess and be a source of both academic and emotional support.I anticipate that this APP summer tutoring opportunity will be extremely advantageous in allowing me to (1 ) promote the early success of and (2) form valuable connections with the incoming APP Class of 2016. Additionally, this opportunity has the potential to strengthen my teaching skills and provide experience to deliberate between several possible career aspirations. Given my initial positive exposure to the APP program it would mean a lot to me to have the opportunity to become an effective contributor to the APP family.